Are Hornet Stings Worse Than Wasps
Hornets are stinging insects that are related to wasps. The hymenopteran order contains thousands of different species. Bees, ants, and other wasps are also members of this order. Hornets are about an inch long with yellow stripes that contrast with their dark bodies. They have wings, antennae, legs, and a stinger. Are hornet stings worse […]
Are Bee and Wasp Stings The Same
A sting is all or nothing for a bee; the bee loses its stinger and injects a large volume of venom — typically around 50 micrograms. A wasp with a stinger injects 2 to 15 micrograms — but it can do so many times. The venoms are chemically distinct, but the effects are similar. But […]
Black Carpenter Bees!!! What’s the Buzz….
The term “carpenter bee” refers to a variety of bee species that build their nests in wood. Each species’ behavior and appearance can differ depending on where it lives. Instead of building a hive, most carpenter bees tunnel into wood and live alone or in small family groups. Carpenter bees are usually harmless, […]
Pest Control
A customer wants home externally exterminated for bugs or whatever may come in Springtime. We set up an appointment for the next Thursday. We provided spray barrier treatment outside the home on the eve and window seals. The spray will prevent bees and others from nesting in the eaves of the home and will last […]