The severity of bee and wasp stings determines how they are treated. Most medical problems are caused by an allergic reaction to the sting. Most complications from that reaction respond well to medications when administered on time. Wasp sting treatment ideas?


Step-by-step instructions for treating a wasp sting

Wasp Sting Treatment at Home

Most insect stings require no more than first-aid treatment at home for those who are not allergic. Then, to avoid further stings, wear protective clothing, use insect repellent, and avoid infested areas.

Following a sting by an allergic person, you must take the following steps:

Treatment for Wasp Stings

If you have a wasp single sting and no allergic reactions, you may only need local wound care, such as cleaning and applying antibiotic ointment. Any remaining stingers will be removed. To relieve itching, you may be given an antihistamine by mouth. The doctor may also prescribe ibuprofen (Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain. If your tetanus immunization is outdated, you will be given a booster shot.

An antihistamine may be prescribed if you have mild allergic symptoms such as a rash and itching all over your body but no problems with breathing or other vital signs. Steroids may also be administered to you. Sometimes, the doctor injects you with epinephrine (adrenaline). The emergency medics may begin treatment on the scene or in the ambulance. If you are doing well, you may be discharged from the emergency department.


If you have a more moderate allergic reaction, such as a rash all over your body and some mild breathing difficulties, you will most likely be given antihistamines, steroids, and epinephrine injections. Some of these treatments may be initiated by emergency medical personnel on the scene or in the ambulance. You will most likely need to be observed in the emergency department for an extended period of time or, in some cases, admitted to the hospital. Just contact wasp exterminator near me; don’t go here and there.

If you have a severe allergic reaction that causes low blood pressure, swelling that prevents air from entering the lungs, or other serious breathing problems, you have a true life-threatening emergency. A breathing tube may be inserted into your trachea as part of your treatment. You will most likely be given antihistamines, steroids, and epinephrine injections. Intravenous fluids may also be administered. Some of these treatments may begin immediately on the scene or in the ambulance. You will be closely monitored in the emergency room and will most likely be admitted to the hospital, possibly to the intensive care unit. If you have multiple stings (more than 10-20) but no evidence of an allergic reaction, you may require prolonged observation in the emergency department or hospitalization. The doctor may then order additional blood tests.

If you are stung inside your mouth or throat, you may need to stay in the emergency room for observation, or you may require more intensive care if complications arise. If you are stung on the eyeball, you should see an eye doctor right away.

Is it Possible to Avoid a Sting Reaction?

If you had a severe allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting, consult your doctor about allergy skin testing. Inquire about a bee sting kit as well. (Make certain you understand how to give yourself the shot.) Wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace that describes your allergy as well. If you had a severe reaction and a positive venom skin test, venom immunotherapy may be an option. You’ll receive a weekly dose of purified venom. It has the potential to prevent a future anaphylactic reaction.

Avoid wearing brightly colored, white, or pastel clothing to reduce your chances of getting stung. Avoid using floral-scented cosmetics or perfume. Food odors attract insects, particularly yellow jackets, so be cautious when cooking or eating outside.

Baking soda for wasp sting

Bee stings can produce “little discomfort to terrible anguish,” says Atlanta doctor Kathleen Funk. “The pain reaction can vary based on the species of bee, wasp, or hornet involved, largely owing to aggression, amount of stings, and stinger length and shape,” Funk explains. Bees’ barbed stingers can be left in the skin, but they can only sting once. Wasps and hornets have straight stingers, thus they can sting several times.

Anaphylaxis needs medical intervention

Go safe. If stung by a bee or other flying insect, find a safe area, warns Funk. “Varied insects have different levels of hostility, ranging from wanting you out of their immediate proximity to chasing you to inflict several stings,” she explains. “Leave the place, go inside, and avoid insects.” More stings equal more venom, which might cause a dangerous or allergic reaction.

Remove the wasp sting ASAP

If the stinger is left in, it will continue to release venom, causing more severe reactions, says Dr. Tania Dempsey of Armonk Integrative Medicine. You can remove the stinger using gauze or a fingernail. Honeybee stingers contain venom sacs, so don’t remove them with tweezers. If you use a tweezer to remove the stinger, you risk releasing more poison. But wasps and hornets don’t leave a venom sac. “Because it’s hard to tell which insect stung you and whether there’s a venom sac, avoid using tweezers,” she says.

Apply ice to the affected region. After removing a stinger, wash the area with soap and water and use a cold compress, says Dr. J.D. Zipkin. Zipkin says washing the stung area minimizes the risk of bacterial infection and a cold compress reduces swelling.

Take a painkiller if needed. Zipkin said most people who are stung by a flying insect may feel moderate to acute pain for a couple of hours. The majority of patients will also have red, puffy, irritated skin 2 to 3 inches from the sting. Swelling lasts a week, and redness fades in three days. About 10% of the population has more severe symptoms. Symptoms include redness, swelling, and discomfort 4 inches or more from the sting site. Unlike small reactions, these intensify in the first two days and resolve in a week, says Zipkin. If this happens, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) help alleviate discomfort. He says antihistamines like cetirizine (Zyrtec) and steroid cream can relieve itching. Infants, age 2 or younger and pregnant women shouldn’t take antihistamines.

DIY it. A baking soda-and-water mixture helps reduce itching, swelling, and redness adds Dempsey. Mix water and baking soda into a paste and apply it to the sting. Apply 1/4 cup of aluminum-free baking soda and 1 to 2 teaspoons of water to the affected area. In 15 minutes, reapply. Baking soda may neutralize sting acidity and reduce inflammation. “This is an old-fashioned home remedy, but I’ve seen it assist family members and patients,” Dempsey adds.

If you have anaphylaxis, get help

Most people experience short-term pain when stung by a bee, wasp, or hornet. If allergic, these stings can be fatal. Less than 1% of children and 3% of adults are allergic, says CHOC allergist Dr. Wan-Yin Chan. These persons are at risk for anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction, and should seek medical help.

“For anaphylaxis, the patient will be given at least one dose of epinephrine,” explains Chan. It will enhance blood pressure, and respiration, and minimize hives, edema, and wheezing.

Anaphylaxis symptoms include:

Preyon Pest Control is expert in wasp nest removal. Learn in our next post about wasp vs bee: how to know the difference between the two. We’re available 24/7 call us without hesitation at 708-232-7703.

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