Fleas are usually the first thing that comes to mind when you think of your pet. They like dogs, cats, other warm-blooded animals, and birds because their fur and feathers make hiding and reproducing easy. Fleas are wingless, brown-colored parasitic insects that bite the skin and feed on blood to survive.

Fleas, on the other hand, can bite you. Even if they won’t live on your body, they might still cause problems. Fleas may leap up to 13 inches, so a pet or other animal could pass them on to you.

Is it possible for dog or cat fleas to thrive on humans?

Even though fleas do not live on humans, they can nonetheless bite us. Cat fleas are the most frequent fleas in the house in the United States. Don’t be fooled by the name; they may live on both cats and dogs. Dog fleas are also present, but they are less frequent in the United States.

Fleas can live on rodents and animals, as well as other mammals and birds. Fleas come in 2,500 different varieties over the world.

They are drawn to certain animals due to their fur or feathers. They can conceal and feed by burrowing inside their fluffy bodies. After the larva and pupa stages, they deposit eggs, which finally hatch. This cycle may result in a flea infection on your pet, which will require treatment.

Fleas do not live on humans because they lack the considerable hair that animals have and reproducing without the protection of fur or feathers is extremely difficult. A flea would have to feed on a human for 12 hours straight to lay healthy eggs, according to one lab research. A flea’s ability to feed on a human for that long without being discovered and removed is extremely rare.


Is it possible for humans to get fleas in their hair?

Humans are not infested with fleas. They bite the feet, ankles, and legs after leaping from an affected pet or other animal, although the most common source is a contaminated pet bed.

Fleas may survive on humans for a long time.

A flea is extremely unlikely to remain on your body for an extended period. Humans lack the fur and feathers that allow other animals and birds to lay eggs and reproduce on a regular basis. A flea is likely to be washed or scratched off before it can breed.


Is it possible for humans to transport fleas from one house to another?

It’s unusual for a flea to jump from one body to another. Fleas are more likely to infect an animal or a person in regions where animals live and sleep. Bringing an afflicted pet bed into a new home has the potential to introduce fleas to another source.


Do people get bitten by fleas?

Flea bites are most found on the feet, ankles, and legs. They have been known to bite three times in a row. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are referred to as “breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

The initial bites usually do not leave a skin lesion, but after a longer period of exposure to the fleas, an individual develops a hypersensitive reaction.

The visual effects of a flea bite may last a few days, but if you are particularly sensitive to the bites or if the region becomes infected, they may develop worse.


Are fleas a threat to humans, pets, or their houses in any other way?

Fleas are more than just a bother. They can cause a variety of dangerous illnesses in animals, and they can even be fatal if the infestation is severe enough to compromise their overall health.

Diseases spread by fleas

Fleas can contain a variety of diseases that can be spread by a bite. The most common in the United States are:

Both infections are caused by bacteria and require medical attention, such as antibiotics.

Reactions due to allergies

Because your body reacts strongly to the flea’s saliva, a flea bite might trigger an allergic reaction on your skin.

Flea allergy dermatitis is caused by an allergic reaction to the bite.

Source you can trust. This can cause inflamed, red skin, intense itching, hives, and infection.

Animals can also have allergic reactions to flea bites. An allergic reaction can drive an animal to scratch bites until their skin becomes raw or their hair falls out.

Tapeworm dangers

Tapeworms can be carried by fleas. It’s possible to obtain a tapeworm if you or an animal eats a flea. Children are more prone to consume a flea by unintentionally.

Tapeworms may not be damaging to your or your pet’s overall health, but if you detect something white and like a pumpkin seed in your or your pet’s feces, it could be an indication of tapeworms. If you suspect this, consult a doctor or a veterinarian.


What is the best way to get rid of a flea infestation?

If you suspect a flea infestation, you’ll need to treat both your pet and your home. Fleas can be removed using a variety of approaches.

To get rid of fleas on your pet, see a veterinarian about the safest and most effective flea removal approach.



Fleas can bite humans, although they prefer to reside on and in animals’ sleeping areas. Flea bites can be uncomfortable and can lead to a more serious health problem that requires medical attention. To get rid of fleas, keep an eye on your pets for fleas on a regular basis and keep your home clean.


If you suspect a flea infestation in your home, the experts at Preyon Pest Control offer solutions that are backed by a guarantee. To learn more and to schedule your FREE inspection, Call Preyon Pest Control right away at 708-232-7703!

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