We’ve been accustomed to taking precautions against COVID-19 and other possible diseases when staying in hotels. Bed bugs, on the other hand, are a menace worth avoiding in a hotel room.
“Bed bugs can be found in every hotel room, regardless of how costly it is.
“However, for a variety of reasons, bed bugs are undoubtedly a bigger issue in lower-socioeconomic situations,” he noted. “Anecdotally, roadside hotels and motels with a larger percentage of extended-stay residents can have a higher incidence of concerns than some of your higher-end hotels, but it can all vary tremendously from property to property,” she says.
If you’ve ever had to deal with a bed bug infestation, you know it’s not something you want to happen to your worst enemy. As a result, being alert while traveling is worthwhile.
Bed bugs have a variety of effects on humans, but for the most part, they can induce great anxiety, stress, and worry. Furthermore, bed bugs are a difficult pest to eradicate.
Recognize the warning indications
“Bed bugs are extraordinarily little and enigmatic insects that hide deep in cracks and crevices, making them incredibly difficult to detect,” says the author.
“However, if you know the signs to look for live bed bugs, fecal staining, cast skins, and eggs it’s worth doing a bed bug inspection when traveling and staying in a new place to hopefully catch them early before they get into your belongings and hitchhike back in your luggage, purse, or backpack home with you.”
Even though bed bugs are little and typically hidden during the day, they are large enough to be seen with the human eye. This holds true throughout the bed bug life cycle.
Examine the mattress.
“Without moving anything around, I usually recommend examining the apparent locations such as the borders of the mattress and box spring, as well as any region visible on the headboard.”
“This form of inspection will often find higher-level infestations but may not catch 10 or fewer bed bugs.”
“If someone wishes to search the room more completely, which will necessitate stripping beds and relocating the mattress and box spring, you should first seek permission from the hotel.”
Look around the rest of the space.
Check other cushioned furniture once you’ve assessed the bed and surrounding area.
“If there are couches or chairs present, check the undersides of them, between the cushions, and along the seams.”
Before unpacking, do a thorough inspection.
If necessary, change rooms.
If you decide to switch rooms within the same institution, avoid moving to a room that is adjacent to or directly above or below the suspected infestation.
“Bed bugs may hitchhike through housekeeping carts, baggage, and even wall sockets,” Campbell noted. “When an infestation spreads, it usually starts in the rooms that are closest to the source.”
Keep your suitcase safe.
Even if your visual inspection reveals no signs of bed bugs, there are still precautions you can do to guarantee you don’t introduce any into your house. Keeping your luggage safe from intruders is perhaps the most effective strategy.
Examine and tidy your personal stuff at home.
The battle against bed bugs doesn’t end when you check out of the hotel. You can still take safeguards when you get home, whether you saw indications of bed bugs.
“Keep in mind that bed bugs travel by hitching a ride. “Inspect your baggage before bringing them inside the house after your trip,” Campbell advised. “Before putting your suitcase away, vacuum it thoroughly. Consider steaming your luggage with a clothes hand steamer to destroy any bed bugs or eggs that may have made the journey home.” In addition, if you suspect an infestation in your home, you should get professional assistance.